Upcoming Events

Community Savings Bank Home Buying Seminar (Spanish)

Community Savings Bank Home Buying Seminar (Spanish)

🏡Community Savings Bank is having its first home buying seminar since the pandemic. They have two sessions scheduled: one in English this Saturday, April 29th, and one in Spanish on Saturday, May 6th. If you're thinking about buying a home, we encourage you sign up. They’ll have presentations by a financial counselor, loan officer, real estate agent, and lawyer. Click the following link to sign up: https://www.communitysavingsbank.bank/home-buying-2023

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SBIF Watch Party

SBIF Watch Party

Are you a business located between Grace St. to Montana St. on Cicero Ave that is interested in learning more about the Small Business Improvement Fund? The Northwest Side CDC, Belmont/Central Chamber of Commerce, and the Portage Park Chamber of Commerce are hosting a watch party of the SBIF Program details. Join us to learn more about the program, get a copy of the application, and ask any questions that you might have. Free snacks will be provided.

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SBIF Program – Open Application Periods in 2023 for TIF Districts in the Portage Park Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) Service Area
to Nov 30

SBIF Program – Open Application Periods in 2023 for TIF Districts in the Portage Park Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) Service Area

  • Portage Park Chamber of Commerce (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The City of Chicago’s Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF) Program uses Tax Increment Financing (TIF) dollars to assist owners and tenants of commercial and industrial properties to repair and remodel their facilities. Participants can receive reimbursements (a grant that does not need to be repaid) of up to 90% of the cost of permanent improvements, with a maximum grant amount of $150,000 for commercial properties and $250,000 for industrial properties. Listed below are the dates for upcoming 30-day application periods for the five active TIF districts within the PPCC boundaries that offer the SBIF Program:

Belmont/Cicero Monday, 5/1/23 through Wednesday, 5/31/23

Avondale Monday, 7/3/23 through Tuesday, 8/1/23

West Irving Park Monday, 7/3/23 through Tuesday, 8/1/23

Belmont/Central Tuesday, 8/1/23 through Friday, 8/31/23

Lawrence/Pulaski Wednesday, 11/1/23 through Thursday, 11/30/23

More information about the SBIF Program, is available at www.somercor.com. Please note that applications will not be accepted prior to 9:00am on the first day of the open application period. If you would like a SBIF Program Application-Information Packet delivered to your business, or need assistance completing the application, please contact the PPCC office at 773-777-2020 or at beebuilding@aol.com.

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National Small Business Week (NSBW)
to May 5

National Small Business Week (NSBW)

  • Portage Park Chamber of Commerce (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Chicago Business Affairs and Consumer Protection Department (BACP) announced its outreach and education efforts aligned with National Small Business Week (NSBW), occurring April 30-May 5, 2023. NSBW is an opportunity to celebrate and recognize the vital contributions of small businesses in our communities and city. To assist small businesses, BACP will host business education webinars for current and future business owners to start, grow, and sustain their business. The Shop Local Chicago campaign reinforces the importance of small businesses to our workforce and economy and drives consumers to make the conscious decision to shop local. For more information, visit Chi.gov/ShopLocal.

“Small businesses have a big impact,” said BACP Commissioner Kenneth J. Meyer. “During National Small Business Week, we recognize the inspirational achievements and contributions small businesses have in our communities and local economy. BACP is dedicated to providing personalized licensing support, accessible resources, and valuable connections to businesses in all steps of their entrepreneurial journey.”

NSBW, is led by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), and co-hosted by SCORE, mentors to America’s small businesses. During NSBW, the SBA recognizes the hard work, ingenuity, and dedication of America’s small businesses, and celebrates their contributions to the economy. Throughout the week, BACP will share business information on its social media platforms using #NSBW2023.

“Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and National Small Business Week is a time to celebrate their resilience, innovation, and contributions to our communities,” said SBA Illinois District Director Robert Steiner. “The SBA is proud to collaborate with BACP as we support these entrepreneurs as they navigate challenges, grow their businesses, and create jobs.”

The BACP free business education webinars are a long-standing program designed to prepare and empower entrepreneurs and business owners for success. In recognition of NSBW, BACP will hold educational webinars on:

· Tuesday, May 2 at 10:00 a.m., the U.S. Small Business Administration will present a webinar titled, “SBA Resources and Updates for Your Business.”

· Wednesday, May 3 at 3:00 p.m., the Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection, Department of Public Health, and the Department of Buildings will present a webinar titled, “City Inspections - Ask Questions, Get Answers.”

· Thursday, May 4 at 2:00 p.m., the Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will present a webinar titled, “La Importancia de un Plan de Negocios.” The webinar will be presented in Spanish.

· Friday, May 5 at 9:30 a.m., the Chicago Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection will present a webinar titled, “Get in the Know: Resources for Your Small Businesses.”

Learn more and register by visiting Chicago.gov/BusinessEducation.

Additionally, the SBA NSBW Virtual Summit will take place May 2-3, 2023. This year’s virtual summit will include educational presentations by experts, an exhibit hall, networking, and a mentoring lounge. Register for the free event by visiting Sba.gov/national-small-business-week.

Most businesses operating in the City of Chicago require a business license. The Chicago Small Business Center is the business licensing and permitting division of BACP and the City’s “one-stop-shop” for business licensing, public way use permitting and other resources to start or grow a business. Business Consultants at the Small Business Center can help applicants determine and obtain the appropriate license(s) for a business. Standard application requirements, documentation, and license-specific requirements may be found by visiting Chicago.gov/BusinessLicensing.

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Community Savings Bank Home Buying Seminar (English)

Community Savings Bank Home Buying Seminar (English)

🏡Community Savings Bank is having its first home buying seminar since the pandemic. They have two sessions scheduled: one in English this Saturday, April 29th, and one in Spanish on Saturday, May 6th. If you're thinking about buying a home, we encourage you sign up. They’ll have presentations by a financial counselor, loan officer, real estate agent, and lawyer. Click the following link to sign up: https://www.communitysavingsbank.bank/home-buying-2023

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BACP “Chicago Small Business Expo”

BACP “Chicago Small Business Expo”

Kennedy-King College, 740 West 63rd Street – U Building

Admission: FREE

This event is being hosted by the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP. The Expo will feature an opportunity to connect with industry experts and government agencies in the exhibitor hall, educational workshops presented by local business service organizations, an inspiring keynote address, and a networking hour to meet with other current and aspiring business owners. The keynote speaker will be Chrishon Lampley, founder of Love Cork Screw, an award-winning wine brand. The workshops will include: “The Power of Capital” by Chase Bank – Minority Entrepreneur Program; “Entrepreneurial Support: Where to Find it and How to Make it Work for You” by the Greater Southwest Development Corporation; and “Marketing in the 21st Century” by SCORE Chicago. The Chicago Small Business Expo is free, but registration is required. To register please visit www.chicago.gov/bizexpo. For more information contact the BACP office at bacpoutreach@cityofchicago.org or call 312-744-2086.

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Chicago Public Library “WTTW Kids Learn & Play”

Chicago Public Library “WTTW Kids Learn & Play”

Dunning Library, 7455 West Cornelia Avenue

Admission: FREE

Catch WTTW Kids Learn & Play with host Miguel de León! Participate in fun, guided learning while developing skills in social-emotional development, math, language and literacy. The event is be hosted in partnership with WTTW and will be presented in English and Spanish. It is designed for children ages 3 to 5 with an adult. This event is free but registration is required. For more information, or to register, please call the Dunning Library at 312-743-0480 or visit www.chipublib.org.

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Illinois 39th Representative District “Coffee and Conversation”

Illinois 39th Representative District “Coffee and Conversation”

The Map Room, 1949 North Hoyne Avenue

Admission: FREE

Join State Representative Will Guzzardi (39th District) for a free cup of coffee and to discuss your community concerns and hear updates from the Illinois Legislature that are important to you! This event is free but registration is required. To register please visit bit.ly/coffeewithwill or call the 39th District Office at 773-853-2570.

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BACP “Grants, Incentives, and FREE Assistance for Your Business”

BACP “Grants, Incentives, and FREE Assistance for Your Business”

This FREE webinar is being hosted by the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) and presented by Andrew Fogaty of 36Squared Business Incubator. Every year the City, County, State and Federal government spend MILLIONS of dollars to provide grants, incentives, and free assistance to Chicago area companies. Was your company one of them? Sign up for this free informative seminar and learn how your business can find no cost assistance for everything from building improvements and property acquisition, to export assistance and government contracting. To register please visit www.chicago.gov/businesseducation or click on the Zoom link below:


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BACP Sidewalk Permit Applications are now OPEN!
to Sep 30

BACP Sidewalk Permit Applications are now OPEN!

  • Portage Park Chamber of Commerce (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It’s time to apply for your Sidewalk permit! Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection – Sidewalk Signs Now Allowed for Businesses that Obtain a Permit

Effective 3/1/22, sidewalk signs (e.g., A-frame, T-frame, or other temporary self-supporting type signs, placed on the public way) are allowed in the City of Chicago by obtaining the proper City permit. Street-front-businesses will now be able to use sidewalk signs to advertise their business safely and effectively from the sidewalk. The advertisement of services with sidewalk signs helps businesses draw in prospective customers from the street, providing an important boost to revenue from foot traffic. A business will be allowed one sign per street address and an approved application will be provided a decal to display on a sidewalk sign. The signs must be no larger than 6 square feet in area per face and no greater than 4 feet in height. The signs can only contain information for goods and services provided on the premises and must display a permit decal issued by the City. A permit application must include a plan or sketch of the proposed sidewalk sign with the exact dimensions and language. Proof of commercial general liability insurance will also be required. A sidewalk sign permit will be valid for 5 years from the date of issuance and the permit fee will be $100 per year. The sidewalk sign cannot interfere with the flow of pedestrians, access to building entrances, pedestrian and traffic safety, or the aesthetic quality of the surrounding area. A sidewalk sign can only be displayed during the hours the business is open to the public and must be removed from the sidewalk when the business has closed for the day. The Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) hosted an informational webinar that is available for viewing at YouTube.com/chicagobacp. For more information please visit www.chicago.gov/bacp.

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“This Land” Art Exhibition

“This Land” Art Exhibition

Please join the Portage Park Chamber of Commerce as we attend the opening of the “This Land” Art Exhibition at the Austin-Irving Library (6100 W Irving Park Rd). The artwork of Sara, Jody, and Carma will take your breath away.

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