Our goal is to sustain neighborhoods and commercial districts that are welcoming to both local residents and visitors and offer a wide range of shopping options that will make the northwest side a destination spot.
Who We Are
What does the Portage Park Chamber of Commerce do?
Almost everyone is familiar with the name, Chamber of Commerce, but oftentimes people may not be fully aware of all functions of a Chamber.
While the majority of Chamber members are normally business owners and professional people, Chambers also benefit the community as a whole by improving their overall economic vitality.
The Portage Park Chamber of Commerce (PPCC) is a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization that was founded in 1937 by a small group of business owners in and around the Six Corners shopping district. The PPCC serves several neighborhoods on the northwest side of Chicago with a particular focus on the Avondale, Dunning, Irving Park and Portage Park community areas. The organization is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of local business leaders and other stakeholders in the community.
The PPCC is funded in part by a grant from the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer (BACP) through its Neighborhood Business Development Center Program. BACP ensures a fair and vibrant marketplace for both businesses and consumers; it also licenses business and public vehicles, provides business education and access to resources, enforces the Chicago Municipal Code, and protects consumers from fraud. For more information about BACP and the many services it offers, visit www.chicago.gov/bacp.
The Portage Park Chamber of Commerce activities include:
working with City agencies to ensure the cleanliness and safety of the area
developing and distributing marketing and promotional materials about the community
developing sales promotions and celebrations to attract more shoppers to the area
providing local businesses with the opportunity to network and attend seminars and workshops
assisting businesses in accessing City programs (i.e., Small Business Improvement Fund Program, TIFWorks 50/50 Program)
publishing and distributing community guides highlighting neighborhood businesses and services
partnering with other community groups on projects that benefit the area
sponsoring neighborhood cleanups with local schools and organizations
promoting the community through websites, area maps, tourist brochures, etc.
providing cooperative advertising programs for merchants
providing small businesses start-up assistance and technical assistance to existing businesses
disseminating community information through chamber newsletters, e-mail calendars, etc.
monitoring commercial vacancies and working to acquire new business tenants